en.js 19.9 KB
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module.exports = {
	message: {
		login: 'Login',
		Username: 'Username',
		Password: 'Password',
		Captcha: 'Captcha',
		Language: 'Language',
		zh: 'Chinese',
		en: 'English'
	glbalTips: {
		sessionLost: "为了更好的体验,需要您登录后再进行此操作"
	form: {
		datePicker: {
			datePlaceholder: "please select date"
		modalUploadCard: {
			tit: "請上傳證件資料",
			front: "證件正面",
			back: "證件反面",
	nav: {
		loginData: {
			name: "login",
			path: "",
			list: [{
				name: "register",
				path: "/register",
				type: "noAuth",
				value: ""
			}, {
				name: "login",
				path: "/login",
				type: "noAuth",
				value: ""
				name: "modify password",
				path: "/password/reset",
				type: "auth",
				value: ""
				name: "profile",
				path: "/infomation/improve",
				type: "auth",
				value: ""
				name: "logout",
				path: "",
				type: "auth",
				value: "logout"
		navList: [{
			name: "Products",
			path: "",
			list: [{
				name: "VHIS - Standard Plan",
				path: "/empty"
				name: "Dividen Life Insurance",
				path: "/product"
			name: "Customer Service",
			path: "",
			list: [
					name: "Customer Service",
					path: "/custom/product"
					name: "Contact Us",
					path: "/custom/service?q=m1"
					name: "Online Premium Payment",
					path: "/custom/service?q=m2"
					name: "Policy Inquiry",
					path: "/custom/service?q=m3"
					name: "Policy Change",
					path: "/custom/service?q=m41"
					name: "Claims",
					path: "/custom/service?q=m5"
					name: "E-reservation",
					path: "/custom/service?q=m6"
					name: "Complaints",
					path: "/custom/service?q=m7"
					name: "Useful Forms",
					path: "/custom/service?q=m8"
			name: "About Us",
			path: "",
			list: [{
				name: "Ping An (Life) HK",
				path: "/profile"
				name: "Company Events",
				path: "/empty"
			}, {
				name: "News Center",
				path: "/news/list"
				name: "Corporate Social Responsibility",
				path: "/empty"
				name: "Awards",
				path: "/empty"
			name: "Join Us",
			path: "",
			list: [{
				name: "Corporate Culture",
				path: "/empty"
				name: "Career Opportunities",
				path: "/empty"
	footer: {
		hkPhone: "HK Tel",
		cnPhone: "CN Tel",
		aboutUs: "About us",
		companyIntroduction: "Company introduction",
		news: "News",
		joinUs: "Join us",
		helpCenter: "Help center",
		privacy: "Privacy Policy",
		terms: "Terms of Use",
		protocol: "protocol",
		map: "Map",
		contactUs: "Contact us",
		contactInformation: "Contact Information",
		service: "Service",
		qrcode: "Official Accounts",
		copyright: "版權所有 © 中國平安保險(集團)股份有限公司未經許可不得復制、轉載或摘編,違者必究!"
	login: {
		title: "平安一賬通",
		loginType1: "账密登录",
		loginType2: "動態密碼登录",
		account: "賬號",
		accountPlaceholder: "請輸入證件號/一账通用户名/手机号",
		password: "密碼",
		passwordPlaceholder: "輸入登錄密碼",
		verifyPlaceholder: "請輸入驗證碼",
		agree: "同意",
		protocol: "《平安一账通会员服务协议》",
		login: "登入",
		register: "註冊",
		forget: "忘記密碼",
		mobile: "手機號",
		mobilePlaceholder: "手機號",
		verifyCode: "驗證碼",
		verifyCodePlaceholder: "驗證碼",
		verifyCodeGet: "獲取驗證碼",
		tips: {
			e1: "请输入账号信息",
			e2: "请输入密码",
			e3: "请输入图像验证码",
			e4: "请同意《平安一账通会员服务协议》",
			e5: "账号/密码不正确",
			oe0: "请输入正确的手机号",
			oe1: "请先获取短信验证码",
			oe2: "请输入图片验证码",
			oe3: "请输入短信验证码",
			oe4: "短信验证码不正确",
	session: {
		sidExpire: "長時間未操作,為了您賬戶的安全,請登錄後再操作",
	register: {
		mobileOptions: [{
			type: "hk",
			name: "香港手機號",
			placeHolder: "請輸入8位手機號碼",
			areaCode: "+852"
		}, {
			type: "zh",
			name: "大陸手機號",
			placeHolder: "請輸入11位手機號碼",
			areaCode: "+86"
		coutTips: "{second}秒後重新獲取",
		title: "歡迎註冊",
		title2: "請設置新的密碼",
		mobilePlaceholder: "请输入8位手机号码",
		verifyCodePlaceholder: "請輸入驗證碼",
		verifyCodeGet: "獲取驗證碼",
		agree: "同意",
		protocol: "《平安一账通会员服务协议》",
		register: "點擊註冊",
		newPassword: "新密碼",
		newPasswordPlaceholder: "輸入登錄密碼",
		newPasswordSure: "確認密碼",
		newPasswordSurePlaceholder: "輸入登錄密碼",
		sure: "確認",
		tips: {
			e1: "手機號不正確,請輸入正確的手機號",
			e2: "請同意《平安一賬通會員服務協議》",
			e3: "短信驗證碼不正確",
			e4: "請先獲取短信驗證碼",
			e5: "手機號已經被註冊,請使用其他手機號註冊或直接登錄",
			e6: "請輸入圖片驗證碼",
			e7: "密碼長度不能少於8位",
			e8: "密碼中必須包含數字、字符以及特殊號碼",
			e9: "兩次密碼不一致,請確認後重新輸入",
			e10: "驗證碼過期,請重新申請驗證碼",
			e11: "註冊失敗,請聯繫工作人員",
			e12: "註冊成功",
	passwordCheck: {
		error1: "密碼長度不少於8位",
		error2: "密碼中必須包含數字、字符以及特殊號碼",
		error3: "两次密码不一致,请确认后重新输入",
		error4: "密碼修改失敗,請稍後再試,或拨打客服电话95511解决",
		error5: "舊密碼不正確,請重新輸入",
		success: "密码修改成功"
	passwordReset: {
		oldPwd: "旧密码",
		oldPwdPlaceholde: "請輸入舊密碼",
		cidExpire: "長時間未操作,為了您賬戶的安全,請重新開始",
		type1: {
			title: "密碼找回",
			t1: "用戶輸入信息",
			t1Placeholder: "手機號/一賬通用戶名",
			submit: "確認",
			error: "您的手機號或證件號輸入錯誤,請核對后重新輸入",
		type2: {
			title: "密碼找回",
			t1: "手機短信驗證碼",
			t1Placeholder: "請輸入驗證碼",
			submit: "確認",
			error1: "短信驗證碼輸入錯誤,請核對後重新輸入",
			error2: "短信驗證碼已經過期,請重新獲取驗證碼",
			error3: "短信验证码发放时间少于1分钟,请稍后再试",
		type3: {
			title: "密碼找回",
			t1: "核對身份證信息",
			t1Placeholder: "",
			submit: "確認",
		type4: {
			title: "請設置新的密碼",
			t1: "新密碼",
			t1Placeholder: "請輸入新密碼",
			t2: "確認密碼",
			t2Placeholder: "請重新輸入新密碼",
			submit: "確認",
			error1: "密碼長度不少於8位",
			error2: "密碼中必須包含數字、字符以及特殊號碼",
	infomationImprove: {
		title: "請完善您的信息",
		t1: "姓名",
		t1c1: "姓",
		t1c2: "名",
		t1Placeholder: "",
		t2: "性別",
		t2Placeholder: "",
		t3: "出生日期",
		t3Placeholder: "",
		t4: "證件類型",
		t4Placeholder: "",
		t5: "證件號碼",
		t5Placeholder: "",
		submit: "確認",
		cancel: "跳過",
		candidates: {
			sex: [{
				name: "男",
				value: "M"
			}, {
				name: "女",
				value: "F"
			idType: [{
				name: "身份證",
				value: "1"
			}, {
				name: "護照",
				value: "2"
			}, {
				name: "軍官證或士兵證",
				value: "3"
			}, {
				name: "港澳通行證/回鄉證或台胞證",
				value: "6"
			}, {
				name: "外國人永久居留身份證",
				value: "O"
			}, {
				name: "港澳台居民居住證",
				value: "V"
			}, {
				name: "台灣居民居住證",
				value: "W"
			}, {
				name: "其他",
				value: "0"
		successMsg: "更新成功",
		errorTips: {
			e1: "請填寫姓名信息",
			e2: "請選擇性別",
			e3: "請選擇生日",
			e4: "請選擇證件類型",
			e5: "請填寫證件號碼",
			e6: "您填寫的證件號碼有誤",
			e7: "您填寫的信息有誤,請核實後重新提交",
	index: {
		news: "新聞資訊",
		newMore: "查看更多",
		recommend: {
			t1: "在线报价",
			t2: "客户服务",
			t3: "产品介绍",
			t4: "最新消息",
			item1: {
				btn: "了解更多產品",
				t1: "為自己和家人尋找壹份保障",
			item2: {
				btn: "立即預約",
				t1: "在線預約 專業服務",
			item3: {
				btn: "客户服务",
				t1: "專業客服為妳服務",
				t2: "想了解更多,可致電",
				t3: "95511",
				t4: "聯絡我們,或進入",
	complaintAcceptance: {
		name: "Name",
		namePlaceholder: "Name",
		contactType: "Preferred Way of Contact",
		email: "電郵地址",
		question: "Question/ Opinion",
		questionPlaceHolder: "(字數不超過500字)",
		orderNo: "Policy No",
		orderNoPlaceHolder: "如您為平安客戶,請提供保單編號",
		contactTime: "Preferred Contact Date",
		notice1: "The personal data collected in this form is processed in accordance with Ping An Life Insurance Company of China (HK), Ltd Personal Information Collection Statement and will only be used to contact you. However, the personal data collected will not be transferred to third-party organizations other than those specified in the \"Ping An Life Insurance Company of China (HK), Ltd Personal Data Collection Statement\" without your explicit authorization. You can choose not to provide us with the required personal information, but this may prevent us from contacting you. You can also access and correct your personal data in accordance with Ping An Life Insurance Company of China (HK), Ltd Personal Data Collection Statement。",
		notice2: "I hereby confirm that I understand and agree that my personal data will be used for the above purposes in accordance with the Ping An Life Insurance Company of China (HK) Personal Data Collection Statement.",
		contactTypes: ['Mobile', 'Email'],
		errorTips: {
			e1: "請填寫該項內容",
			e2: "請填寫正確的聯繫方式"
	reservation: {
		name: "Name",
		namePlaceholder: "Name",
		contactType: "Preferred way of contact",
		contact: "Contact Number",
		contactPlaceholder: "(HK No./ Mainland No.)",
		reservationType: "Type of Reservation",
		reservationRemark: "Reservation Description",
		reservationRemarkPlaceholder: "Optional, no more than 500 words, prompt text \"Please briefly explain the insurance type or business you want to consult",
		hkClient: "Current Pingan HK Customer",
		yes: "Yes",
		no: "No",
		contactTime: "Preferred Contact Date",
		notice1: "The personal data collected in this form is processed in accordance with Ping An Life Insurance Company of China (HK), Ltd Personal Information Collection Statement and will only be used to contact you. However, the personal data collected will not be transferred to third-party organizations other than those specified in the \"Ping An Life Insurance Company of China (HK), Ltd Personal Data Collection Statement\" without your explicit authorization. You can choose not to provide us with the required personal information, but this may prevent us from contacting you. You can also access and correct your personal data in accordance with Ping An Life Insurance Company of China (HK), Ltd Personal Data Collection Statement。",
		notice2: "I hereby confirm that I understand and agree that my personal data will be used for the above purposes in accordance with the Ping An Life Insurance Company of China (HK) Personal Data Collection Statement.",
	paymentType: {
		menu1: "Payment in Person at Cashier",
		menu2: "Internet Banking",
		menu3: "Telegrapgic Transfer",
		menu4: "JETCO ATM",
		menu5: "PPS",
		menu6: "Hong Kong Post",
	product: {
		btnPosition: "Booking service",
		iconProblem: "Common problem",
		iconProcess: "Insurance process",
		iconProduct: "Product details"
	customProduct: {
		menu1: "Contact us",
		menu2: "Pay premium",
		menu3: "Query policy",
		menu4: "Change policy",
		menu5: "Claim report",
		menu6: "Reservation service",
		menu7: "Suggestions",
		menu8: "Common form",
	commonForm: {
		head1: "Type of Forms",
		head2: "Forms",
		head3: "Purpose",
		head4: "Attachment",
		download: "Download",
		form: [{
			type: "Payment",
			list: [{
				name: "「E-account Service」and Direct Debit Authorization Application for Bank Account",
				desc: "For applying e-service account and direct debit authorization",
				download: "",
				name: "Credit Card Account Direct Debit Authorization",
				desc: "Application for credit card direct debit",
				download: "",
			type: "Change of Policy",
			list: [{
				name: "Policy Termination Application Form",
				desc: "Policy surrender",
				download: "",
				name: "Application for Change of Policy Form(Policy Loan Repayment)",
				desc: "Policy loan",
				download: "",
				name: "Application for Change of Policy Form(Change of Policy)",
				desc: "Newly added premium, deducted premium",
				download: "",
				name: "Application for Change of Policy Form(Change of Customer Information)",
				desc: "Basic Information Change",
				download: "",
				name: "Application for Change of Policy Form(Change of Beneficiary)",
				desc: "Mode of payment, self-replacement and reissues",
				download: "",
				name: "Authorization Letter",
				desc: "To authorize 3rd party to handle on behalf of policy owner",
				download: "",
				name: "Tax Statement",
				desc: "CRS",
				download: "",
				name: "Health Declaration",
				desc: "For underwriting purpose",
				download: "",
			type: "Claims",
			list: [{
				name: "Claims Form",
				desc: "For written claims application",
				download: "",
	policyChangeGuide: {
		notice: "如需做其他保單變更",
		noticeLink: "聯繫客服",
		head1: "Item",
		head2: "Details",
		head3: "Applicant",
		head4: "Deadline",
		head5: "Materials to be submitted",
		download: "下載文檔",
		form: [{
			project: "Policy Surrender",
			content: "Cancellation of contract after the cooling-off period, the company will refund the policy cash value",
			applicant: "Policy Owner",
			receptionTime: "Before Policy Expires",
			materialList: [{
				name: "Policy",
				name: "Application form",
				type: 1,
				name: "ID card of Policy Owner",
				name: "Bank information",
			project: "Policy Surrender within cool off period",
			content: "If the contract is cancelled within the cooling-off period, the company will refund the entire premium without interest.",
			applicant: "Policy Owner",
			receptionTime: "Before cool off period",
			materialList: [{
				name: "Policy",
				name: "Application form",
				type: 1,
				name: "ID card of Policy Owner",
				name: "Bank information",
				name: "First premium receipt",
			project: "Change of Customer Information",
			projectType: 1,
			path: "/custom/service",
			query: {
				q: "m42"
			content: "Change of Policy Owner, Insured and Beneficiary informat",
			applicant: "Policy Owner",
			receptionTime: "Anytime",
			materialList: [{
				name: "Application form",
				type: 1,
				name: "Other necessary proving documents",
			project: "Change of Contact Information",
			projectType: 1,
			path: "/custom/service",
			query: {
				q: "m43"
			content: "Change of address, contact no.",
			applicant: "Policy Owner",
			receptionTime: "Anytime",
			materialList: [{
				name: "Application form",
				type: 1,
				name: "ID card of Policy Owner",
			project: "Change of Payment Information",
			content: "Change of mode of payment or payement account",
			applicant: "Policy Owner",
			receptionTime: "保單交費期滿前",
			materialList: [{
				name: "Application form",
				type: 1,
				name: "Policy",
	policyChangeContact: {
		phone: "Contact Number",
		address: "Correspondence Address",
		email: "E-Mail",
		checkTips: "I do not agree to receive promotional information",
		submit: "Save",
		errorTips: {
			e1: "請填寫正確的聯繫電話",
			e2: "請填寫聯繫地址",
			e3: "請填寫正確的E-Mail地址"
	policyChangeInformation: {
		title: "Change of Customer Information",
		hkClient: "HK Customer",
		yes: "是",
		no: "否",
		obj: "Select for change",
		name: "Name",
		sex: "Sex",
		birth: "出生日期",
		type: "Type of Identification Document",
		NO: "ID No.",
		validityPeriod: "ID Validation Date",
		nationality: "Nationality",
		employer: "Employer",
		maritalStatus: "Marital Status",
		submit: "Save",
		upload: "Upload Attachment",
		modifyTips1: "如需修改請",
		modifyTips2: "聯繫客服",
	contactUs: {
		service: {
			center: {
				title: "Customer Service Center",
				address: "Address: Unit 3501 - 7 & 14, Floor 35, The Gateway Tower 5, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong",
				time: "Service Hour:9 a.m.  - 6 p.m. , Monday to Friday",
			hotline: {
				title: "Customer Service Hotline",
				hk: "Hong Kong:(852)  2983 8866",
				cn: "Mainland:(86) 40078 95511",
				time: "Service Hour:9 a.m.  - 6 p.m. , Monday to Friday"
			mail: {
				title: "Customer Service Email",
				mail: "cs@pingan.com.hk"
		pulbic: {
			title: "Official WeChat Account",
			m1: "Login to the \"WeChat\" APP, press the \"+\" button in the upper right corner and select \"Add Friend\", select \"Public Account\" Enter and search \"Ping An Life Hong Kong\"",
			m2: "Log in to the WeChat APP, press the \"+\" button in the upper right corner and select \"Scan\" to scan the QR code below(QR Code here)"
		qrcode: {
			title: "Official WeChat Account"
	customService: {
		name: "Customer service",
		menu1: "Contact Us",
		menu2: "Online Premium Payment",
		menu3: "Policy Inquiry",
		menu4: "Policy Change",
		menu41: "Policy Change Guideline",
		menu42: "Change of Contact Information",
		menu43: "Change of Customer Information",
		menu5: "Claims",
		menu6: "E-reservation",
		menu7: "Complaints",
		menu8: "Useful Forms",
		insuranceQuery: {
			InsurantNumber: "Policy Number",
			Insurant: "Insured",
			InsurantName: "Policy Type",
			InsurantAmount: "Sum Insured",
			effectiveDate: "Premium Due Date",
			period: "Protection Duration",

			t2Title: "Guarantee information",
			t2InsurantClassify: "Name of insurance",
			t2InsurantAmount: "Insured amount",

			t3Title: "Customer information",
			t3InsurantNameCn: "Name of applicant (Cn)",
			t3InsurantNameEn: "Name of applicant (En)",
			t3InsurantIdNumber: "ID Number",
			t3InsurantContactAddress: "Contact address",
			t3InsurantAddress: "Address",
			t3InsurantMobile: "mobile",
			t3InsurantEmail: "email",
			t3InsuredNameCn: "Name of insured (Cn)",
			t3InsuredNameEn: "Name of insured (En)",
			t3InsuredBirthday: "Birthday",
			t3InsuredIdNumber: "ID Number",

			t4Title: "Beneficiary information",
			t4NameCn: "Name (Cn)",
			t4NameEn: "Name (En)",
			t4Relation: "與受保人關係",
			t4Allocation: "Distribution ratio",

			t5Title: "Payment information",
			t5PaymentPeriod: "Payment period",
			t5PaymentMethod: "Payment method",
			t5PaymentCurrency: "Payment currency",
			t5CurrentPremium: "Current premium",
			t5PaymentBank: "Payment bank",
			t5PaymentAccount: "Payment account",

			t6Title: "Payment record",
			t6PaymentPeriod: "Payment period",
			t6PaymentMethod: "Payment method",
			t6ClosingDate: "Closing date",
			t6PaymentAmount: "Payment amount",
		reservation: {
			submitBtn: '確認',
			contactTypes: ['電話'],
			reservationTypes: ['投保咨詢', '代辦保單變更'],
			errorTips: {
				e1: "請填寫該項內容",
				e2: "請填寫正確的聯繫方式"
		unauth: {
			tips: "If you have a ping an all in one account account, it can help us provide better services for you",
			or: "or",
			login: " login",
			register: " register",
			baseInfoTip : "Your complete information can help us to provide you with complete services",
			infoBtn : " Go to perfection"