en.js 10.4 KB
module.exports = {
	message: {
		login: 'Login',
		Username: 'Username',
		Password: 'Password',
		Captcha: 'Captcha',
		Language: 'Language',
		zh: 'Chinese',
		en: 'English'
	nav: {
		loginData: {
			name: "login",
			path: "",
			list: [{
					name: "register",
					path: "/register",
					value: ""
				}, {
					name: "login",
					path: "/login",
					value: ""
					name: "modify password",
					path: "",
					value: ""
					name: "logout",
					path: "",
					value: ""
		navList: [{
				name: "Product description",
				path: "/product",
				list: []
				name: "Customer service",
				path: "/custom/product",
				list: [{
						name: "Contact us",
						path: "/custom/service?q=m1"
						name: "Pay premium",
						path: "/payment/type"
						name: "Query policy",
						path: "/custom/service?q=m3"
						name: "Change policy",
						path: "/custom/service?q=m4"
						name: "Claim report",
						path: "/custom/service?q=m5"
						name: "Reservation service",
						path: "/custom/service?q=m6"
						name: "Suggestions",
						path: "/custom/service?q=m7"
						name: "Common form",
						path: "/custom/service?q=m8"
				name: "News",
				path: "/news/list",
				list: []
				name: "About",
				path: "",
				list: [{
						name: "Company",
						path: "/profile"
						name: "Leaders",
						path: ""
	footer: {
		hkPhone: "HK Tel",
		cnPhone: "CN Tel",
		aboutUs: "About us",
		companyIntroduction: "Company introduction",
		news: "News",
		joinUs: "Join us",
		helpCenter: "Help center",
		privacy: "Privacy",
		terms: "Terms",
		map: "Map",
		contactUs: "Contact us",
		contactInformation: "Contact Information",
		service: "Service",
		qrcode: "Official Accounts",
		copyright: "版權所有 © 中國平安保險(集團)股份有限公司未經許可不得復制、轉載或摘編,違者必究!"
	login: {
		title: "平安一賬通",
		loginType1: "账密登录",
		loginType2: "動態密碼登录",
		account: "賬號",
		accountPlaceholder: "請輸入證件號/一账通用户名/手机号",
		password: "密碼",
		passwordPlaceholder: "輸入登錄密碼",
		verifyPlaceholder: "請輸入驗證碼",
		agree: "同意",
		protocol: "《平安一账通会员服务协议》",
		login: "登入",
		register: "註冊",
		forget: "忘記密碼",
		mobile: "手機號",
		mobilePlaceholder: "手機號",
		verifyCode: "驗證碼",
		verifyCodePlaceholder: "驗證碼",
		verifyCodeGet: "獲取驗證碼",
	register: {
		title: "歡迎註冊一賬通",
		title2: "請設置新的密碼",
		mobilePlaceholder: "请输入8位手机号码",
		verifyCodePlaceholder: "請輸入驗證碼",
		verifyCodeGet: "獲取驗證碼",
		agree: "同意",
		protocol: "《平安一账通会员服务协议》",
		register: "點擊註冊",
		newPassword: "新密碼",
		newPasswordPlaceholder: "輸入登錄密碼",
		newPasswordSure: "確認密碼",
		newPasswordSurePlaceholder: "輸入登錄密碼",
		sure: "確認",
	index: {
		news: "新聞資訊",
		newMore: "查看更多",
		recommend: {
			item1: {
				btn: "了解更多產品",
				t1: "為自己和家人尋找壹份保障",
			item2: {
				btn: "立即預約",
				t1: "在線預約 專業服務",
			item3: {
				btn: "客户服务",
				t1: "專業客服為妳服務",
				t2: "想了解更多,可致電",
				t3: "95511",
				t4: "聯絡我們,或進入",
	complaintAcceptance: {
		name: "姓名",
		namePlaceholder: "姓名",
		contactType: "聯絡方式",
		email: "電郵地址",
		question: "問題或意見",
		questionPlaceHolder: "(字數不超過500字)",
		contactTime: "期望聯絡時間",
		notice1: "本表格所收集的個人資料根據「平安人壽香港個人資料收集聲明」處理及只會被用作於聯絡 閣下之用。然而所收集的個人資料未經您明確授權將不會轉移至「平安人壽香港個人資料收集聲明」列明以外之第三者機構。您可選擇不向我們提供所需的個人資料,惟這樣可能導致我們不能聯絡您。您亦可根據「平安人壽香港個人資料收集聲明」之權利查閱及更正個人資料。",
		notice2: "本人現確認明白並同意本人的個人資料根據中銀人壽個人資料收集聲明作以上述用途。",
	reservation: {
		name: "姓名",
		namePlaceholder: "姓名",
		contactType: "聯絡方式",
		contact: "聯絡电话",
		contactPlaceholder: "香港號碼/內地號碼",
		reservationType: "預約類型",
		reservationRemark: "預約說明",
		reservationRemarkPlaceholder: "請簡單說明您想要咨詢的產品或業務",
		hkClient: "是否平安香港客戶",
		yes: "是",
		no: "否",
		contactTime: "期望联络时间",
		notice1: "本表格所收集的个人资料根据「平安人寿香港个人资料收集声明」处理及只会被用作于联络 阁下之用。然而所收集的个人资料未经您明确授权将不会转移至「平安人寿香港个人资料收集声明」列明以外之第三者机构。您可选择不向我们提供所需的个人资料,惟这样可能导致我们不能联络您。您亦可根据「平安人寿香港个人资料收集声明」之权利查阅及更正个人资料。",
		notice2: "本人现确认明白并同意本人的个人资料根据中银人寿个人资料收集声明作以上述用途。",
	paymentType: {
		menu1: "親臨客服中心付款",
		menu2: "网银付款",
		menu3: "电汇付款",
		menu4: "柜员机付款",
		menu5: "「缴费灵」付款",
		menu6: "香港邮政局",
	product: {
		btnPosition: "Booking service",
		iconProblem: "Common problem",
		iconProcess: "Insurance process",
		iconProduct: "Product details"
	customProduct: {
		menu1: "Contact us",
		menu2: "Pay premium",
		menu3: "Query policy",
		menu4: "Change policy",
		menu5: "Claim report",
		menu6: "Reservation service",
		menu7: "Suggestions",
		menu8: "Common form",
	commonForm: {
		head1: "表格類型",
		head2: "表格名稱",
		head3: "使用說明",
		head4: "附件",
		download: "下載文檔",
		form: [{
				type: "繳費類",
				list: [{
						name: "「電子入賬服務」及銀行戶口<br>直接付款授權申請",
						desc: "申請設立「 電子入賬服務」 及銀行戶口<br>直接付款授權時須提供",
						download: "",
						name: "信用卡戶口直接付款授權書",
						desc: "申請信用卡戶口直接付款授權時須提供",
						download: "",
				type: "保單變更類",
				list: [{
						name: "保險合同解除申請書",
						desc: "退保、猶豫期退保業務適用",
						download: "",
						name: "保險合同變更申請書( 保單貸款還款類)",
						desc: "保單貸款、還款業務適用",
						download: "",
						name: "保險合同變更申請書( 保險合同計劃變更類)",
						desc: "加保、減保、新增附險、復效等業務適用",
						download: "",
						name: "保險合同變更申請書( 客戶信息變更類)",
						desc: "基本信息變更業務適用",
						download: "",
						name: "保險合同變更申請書( 客戶權益變更類)",
						desc: "交費方式、自墊選擇權變更、補發等業務適用",
						download: "",
						name: "授權委托書",
						desc: "委托他人代辦時須提供",
						download: "",
						name: "稅收聲明",
						desc: "CRS要求",
						download: "",
						name: "健康告知",
						desc: "須二次核保的業務須提供",
						download: "",
				type: "理賠類",
				list: [{
					name: "理賠申請書",
					desc: "紙質申請的應備文件",
					download: "",
	contactUs: {
		service: {
			center: {
				title: "客戶服務中心",
				address: "地址:香港尖沙嘴港威永金融大樓",
				time: "服務時間:星期壹至五9:00-18:00",
			hotline: {
				title: "客戶服務熱線",
				hk: "香港號碼:(852)2983 8866",
				cn: "內地號碼:(86)40078 95511",
				time: "服務時間:星期壹至五9:00-18:00"
			mail: {
				title: "客戶服務電郵",
				mail: "cs@pingan.com.hk"
		pulbic: {
			title: "微信公眾號",
			m1: "登陸「微信」APP, 按右上角的「+」按鈕並選擇「添加朋友」,選擇「公眾號」 輸入並搜索「平安人壽香港」",
			m2: "登陸「微信」APP, 按右上角的「+」按鈕並選擇「掃壹掃」掃描下方二維碼(放置二維碼)"
		qrcode: {
			title: "官方公眾號"
	customService: {
		name: "Customer service",
		menu1: "Contact us",
		menu2: "Pay premium",
		menu3: "Query policy",
		menu4: "Change policy",
		menu5: "Claim report",
		menu6: "Reservation service",
		menu7: "Suggestions",
		menu8: "Common form",
		insuranceQuery: {
			InsurantNumber: "Insurant number",
			Insurant: "Insurant",
			InsurantName: "Insurant name",
			InsurantAmount: "Insurant amount",
			effectiveDate: "Effective date",
			period: "Guarantee period",

			t2Title: "Guarantee information",
			t2InsurantClassify: "Name of insurance",
			t2InsurantAmount: "Insured amount",

			t3Title: "Customer information",
			t3InsurantNameCn: "Name of applicant (Cn)",
			t3InsurantNameEn: "Name of applicant (En)",
			t3InsurantIdNumber: "ID Number",
			t3InsurantContactAddress: "Contact address",
			t3InsurantAddress: "Address",
			t3InsurantMobile: "mobile",
			t3InsurantEmail: "email",
			t3InsuredNameCn: "Name of insured (Cn)",
			t3InsuredNameEn: "Name of insured (En)",
			t3InsuredBirthday: "Birthday",
			t3InsuredIdNumber: "ID Number",

			t4Title: "Beneficiary information",
			t4NameCn: "Name (Cn)",
			t4NameEn: "Name (En)",
			t4Relation: "與受保人關係",
			t4Allocation: "Distribution ratio",

			t5Title: "Payment information",
			t5PaymentPeriod: "Payment period",
			t5PaymentMethod: "Payment method",
			t5PaymentCurrency: "Payment currency",
			t5CurrentPremium: "Current premium",
			t5PaymentBank: "Payment bank",
			t5PaymentAccount: "Payment account",

			t6Title: "Payment record",
			t6PaymentPeriod: "Payment period",
			t6PaymentMethod: "Payment method",
			t6ClosingDate: "Closing date",
			t6PaymentAmount: "Payment amount",
		reservation: {
			submitBtn: '確認'