63b0e3be by joe
2 parents 89a940ab 2829bb5c
......@@ -909,6 +909,7 @@ module.exports = {
btnUpload: "Upload",
uploadFile: "Uploaded file:",
contact: "Contact customer service",
contact2: "",
tip1: "I / We hereby authorize (1) any employer, registered medical practitioner, hospital, clinic, insurance company, bank, government agency, or other agency, organization, or person who knows or holds any relevant policy holder / Those in the insured's records can provide, issue and transfer these assets to Ping An Life Insurance (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd .; (2) your company or any of its designated doctors or laboratories can apply for compensation for this policy The medical evaluation and testing required for the holder / insured person to audit the health status of the policy holder / insured person. This authorization is binding on the policyholder / insured's heirs and grantors; this authorization is valid even if the policyholder / insured dies or becomes incompetent.",
tip2: "I / We confirm that I have read and understood the Personal Data Collection Statement (Ping An Life Insurance (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.) (this statement). ",
tip3: "I / We hereby confirm and agree to your company's use and transfer of my / our personal assets in accordance with this statement, including the use and provision of my / our personal assets for direct marketing purposes. I / We acknowledge and agree to transfer my / our personal resources for the purposes described in this statement to the type of transferee outside Hong Kong to which this statement refers.",
......@@ -879,7 +879,8 @@ module.exports = {
btn: "提交",
btnUpload: "上傳",
uploadFile: "已上傳文件:",
contact: "我想聯絡客服",
contact: "聯絡客服",
contact2: "我想",
tip1: "本人/我們謹此授權(1)任何雇主、注册西醫、醫院、診所、保險公司、銀行、政府機構、或其他機構、組織或人士、凡知道或持有任何有關保單持有人/受保人之紀錄者,均可將該等資料提供、發放及轉交給中國平安人壽保險(香港)有限公司;(2)貴公司或任何其指定之醫生或化驗所,可就此賠償申請替保單持有人/受保人進行所需之醫療評估及測試,作為稽核保單持有人/受保人之健康狀況。此授權對保單持有人/受保人之繼承人及授讓人具有約束力;即使保單持有人/受保人死亡或無行為能力時,此授權書仍具效力。",
tip2: "本人/我們確認已閱讀及明白「中國平安人壽保險(香港)有限公司」的收集個人資料聲明(本聲明)。",
tip3: "本人/我們特此確認並同意貴公司根據本聲明使用和移轉本人/我們的個人資料,包括為直接促銷之目的使用和提供本人/我們的個人資料。本人/我們確認並同意為本聲明中所述之目的將本人/我們的個人資料移轉至香港境外給本聲明所述的承轉人的類別。",
......@@ -902,7 +902,8 @@ module.exports = {
btn: "提交",
btnUpload: "上传",
uploadFile: "已上传文件:",
contact: "我想联络客服",
contact: "联络客服",
contact2: "我想",
tip1: "本人/我们谨此授权(1)任何雇主、注册西医、医院、诊所、保险公司、银行、政府机构、或其他机构、组织或人士、凡知道或持有任何有关保单持有人/受保人之纪录者,均可将该等数据提供、发放及转交给中国平安人寿保险(香港)有限公司;(2)贵公司或任何其指定之医生或化验所,可就此赔偿申请替保单持有人/受保人进行所需之医疗评价及测试,作为审核保单持有人/受保人之健康状况。此授权对保单持有人/受保人之继承人及授让人具有约束力;即使保单持有人/受保人死亡或无行为能力时,此授权书仍具效力。",
tip2: "本人/我们确认已阅读及明白「中国平安人寿保险(香港)有限公司」的收集个人资料声明(本声明)。",
tip3: "本人/我们特此确认并同意贵公司根据本声明使用和移转本人/我们的个人资料,包括为直接促销之目的使用和提供本人/我们的个人资料。本人/我们确认并同意为本声明中所述之目的将本人/我们的个人资料移转至香港境外给本声明所述的承转人的类别。",
......@@ -362,39 +362,6 @@ export default {
watch: {
"data.insuredIndex": function (v, ov) {
// if (!this.dataInit) {
// return;
// }
// console.log("1111111111111111");
// this.typeSelected = [];
// let d = {
// insuredIndex: this.data.insuredIndex,
// amount: null,
// contactDate: "",
// // 必传资料
// HT41: null,
// HT26: null,
// // 非必传资料
// HT29: null,
// HT34: null,
// HT16: null,
// // 是否正在上传
// HT41Uploading: false,
// HT26Uploading: false,
// HT29Uploading: false,
// HT34Uploading: false,
// HT16Uploading: false,
// };
// this.$set(this, "data", d);
// if (this.checkPolicy()) {
// this.policyIllegal = false;
// } else {
// this.policyIllegal = true;
// }
"data.contactDate": function () {
if (this.checkPolicy()) {
this.policyIllegal = false;
......@@ -229,7 +229,6 @@ input {
cursor: pointer;
color: $cOrange2;
font-weight: 600;
text-decoration: underline;
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
<van-loading v-if="loading" /> {{$t('clarms.step2.btn')}}
<div class="contact" v-if="!showTips" @click="toContact">{{$t('clarms.step2.contact')}}</div>
<div class="contact" v-if="!showTips" @click="toContact"><span>{{$t('clarms.step2.contact2')}}</span><span class="underline">{{$t('clarms.step2.contact')}}</span></div>
<div class="fail-tips" v-if="showTips">
<img class="icon" src="@/assets/images/common/icon-alert-i.png" alt="">